A couple of things here.
This is probably going to set a bunch of people off as in they're going to go nuts about it.
That is of course if they read it.
The second is I know virtually nothing about Lena Dunham. What I have learned in last two days is she is some sort of liberal something with a show on HBO I believe it is.
I know nothing about her and to my knowledge have never seen her in anything even.
I'm right wing and can't stand liberals for the most part.
With that said what's going on now with her and some sections from her book is revolting and disgusting to me.
Not for the reasons you probably think though.
In her book she states she was curious at seven years of age if her one year old sister's vagina was the same as hers and asked her mother who told her yes but smaller.
In the book she states a short time later she was alone with the baby and looked at her sister's vagina by opening its lips in order to see it.
That's it.
She also says she would give pieces of candy to her sister if she would kiss her on the lips for five seconds. Not French kiss her, just kiss her on the lips. The sister apparently didn't mind as she was happy to get the candy and readily agreed to do it.
She was seven years old.
Any kissing at the time was no doubt innocent and playing at being grown up not some disgusting whatever.
Another thing was that the younger sister wanted to sleep with Lena for most of her childhood and was allowed to do so. Begged each day was the way it was put in the book.
I don't think there is anything at all wrong with that. It does not make it sexual in nature in any way. Even if Lena had sexual thoughts at that young an age about her sister it doesn't appear as if anything was done or occurred acting on those thoughts.
In one section Lena states she masturbated as a teen while her little sister was sleeping in the bed next to her.
So what?
Never does it say anything about doing it in front of her when awake although that often occurs between siblings again out of curiosity usually.
Not to mention the millions of children who have shared a room across history and one masturbates when the other or others are asleep.
Somehow this has turned into a huge storm on Twitter and the internet with a right wing website attacking her and flat out saying she molested her sister.
That is flatly not true from what was published.
It is a lie.
They took excerpts and twisted them claiming they said something they did not say. "Looking at her vagina" became "I molested my sister" even though nothing in the excerpts says anything of the kind.
Lena apparently made the mistake of inserting adult thoughts and feelings not to mention knowledge in her book recounting these events by framing them with the above mentioned thoughts, feelings and knowledge.
That has added to the firestorm engulfing her.
Some of the framing is rather in my opinion inappropriate but still her thoughts and feelings in her biography as she looked back on her childhood.
While I may find them at the least ill advised to inappropriate it is not my book nor my childhood.
With that said in the framing she stated such things as she acted as any sexual predator would in chasing a neighborhood girl.
She says other things that would indicate she was interested in her sister sexually and says them in clearly an adult way.
I seriously doubt that at seven, ten, or thirteen she had any idea of all the things any sexual predator would do going after a child. That is something she placed there in her past as an adult with adult thought and knowledge. Poor choice but by these sick people taking her adult thoughts and reading it as the thoughts of the child at the time they've made even more of nothing.
I find it hard to see a young child or even teen reflecting the things Lena said in this book about herself when she actually was a child. Maybe she sees herself in that light now and ascribes things to her then self that she feels now but that does not mean her child self thought that way or acted that way.
The other thing is all the things she says now as an adult are obviously not true as to her child self or she would have preyed on her younger sister, forcing sex onto her which she did not do.
Do you think an actual sexual predator would spend ten years dying to do the kid and never do it? Seriously? A predator just by being one would assault the kid to meet their needs and to hell with the kid. That didn't happen.
Histrionics of this generation have made her clearly embellish and fabricate aspects to this story. Just look at the pebbles part. In it she says her sister was playing a game with her by doing that and cackled when she pulled on on her sister by freaking her out.
That is certainly possible for a younger child to do something like that but for one problem. It was a one year old baby. What one year old baby is even capable of such?
What she doesn't say is that she ever did anything to her sister. Whether there ever was any sexual contact between them is not addressed in anything I've read so far and nothing I've seen leads me to believe there is. If there was she hasn't said so or even hinted at it.
If there was which is possible as siblings often experiment as children, its not been written about in her book or someone missed the "Big" story.
Even if there had been that doesn't necessarily mean anyone molested anyone else nor that anyone was a victim of molestation.
Matter of fact Dr. Charles Sofie of the Los Angeles Child Protective Services Division. The head or number two man of the agency and Dr. Phil's expert on his show categorically stated today on CNN twice that Lena Dunham did NOT in any way molest her sister at any time.
He stated that what took place was NOT child molestation but normal stuff kids do.
This is the expert that Dr. Phil uses and everyone knows he is dead against child molestation. He is also the big guy at the largest child protective agency in the country I believe and he says no to allegations that she molested her younger sister.
What troubles me though beyond this is the recurring pathology in this country regarding sexuality and children. Even putting those two words in one sentence will get people howling in outrage.
I've had people say children have no sexuality and attack me for suggesting they indeed do. I've had them insist children are not sexual at all until the teen years, the mid teen years at that.
There is even a movement in this country to say that no child under fifteen ever has any interests in anything sexual, doesn't like or ever want to do anything sexual unless they've been molested or exposed to sex inappropriately. That covers seeing pornographic material to seeing sexual acts being done by others.
Except for those two things happening according to them no child even knows they have private parts for anything beyond peeing until the mid teen years.
They actually think this and have gotten a lot of the psychological community to ascribe to those insane notions.
The idea of children's sexuality is not some weird idea resident in my head but actual fact that people somehow deny and that worries me.
This level of hatred over a little kid looking at another little kid's private parts is unbelievable.
I would strongly suggest people take a 'Human Sexuality' course at their local college to get educated about the subject.
Kids are sexual beings from even before they are born and this has been proven for sixty years or better. They don't just start being at sixteen as I've seen some say. It used to be known that children were from birth but science has shown in recent years sexual activity of babies en utero expanding the knowledge of the subject.
They are curious about their bodies and those of others. They look and explore their own body and other children's bodies just as well.
They engage in sex play, sexual experimentation, sexual exploration or whatever term you wish to use. One of the oldest and most well known expressions is "Playing Doctor."
This is all normal and natural, completely so.
There is nothing wrong, sick, perverted, criminal or damaging, if its not forced or coerced in any way, with it.
Its called growing up.
Yet more and more people seem to be taking the idea that children who do any normal sexual development stuff are somehow bad or even molesters. Children are actually being charged now with child molestation in cases where they've engaged in sex play with kids.
We're sending umpteen thousands of kids to jail as child molesters now and branding them as sexual offenders for life just for being normal kids and people seem okay with that.
Now a woman who admitted that she looked at her baby sister's vagina when the older was but seven years old is being wholesale attacked and charged with child molestation by these sick people.
Its the people who have the hang ups about sex who are the sick ones not the innocent seven year old engaging in completely innocent activity to satisfy her curiosity.
When did our society become so twisted as to ascribe perversion to normal kids play? When did it become so perverted as to take complete innocence and turn it into something so ugly and nasty?
But now these sick individuals are screaming with calls that she should be arrested for child molestation. Its not enough they want to twist innocent curiosity into perversion but now they want to criminalize it.
The funny thing is that child molestation used to have something to do with actually committing a sexual act on a child. That means something that is done for the purpose of arousing one or both of the parties.
I wasn't aware that a seven year old curious about her body and that of her sister taking a quick look qualifies as remotely sexual in nature.
There was no playing, fondling, rubbing, stimulation, nothing. Just looking at it.
Yet today it apparently does and both this woman and her sister have been placed into the center of a shit storm they neither caused nor deserved.
If anyone is a victim of anything here it is these sisters from these sick people who see the most innocent of things as dirty and wrong.
What scares me more is these same sick individuals probably have children of their own or will. What will their perverted thoughts on normal childhood sexuality and development do to them.
I wonder how many have or will end up putting their kids into jail for playing doctor?
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