Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Another slow news day so...........

Well not much to report today other than thankfully the temp and humidity have finally gone down. 

Don't get me wrong 80 and 70% humidity is still up there but lots better than 88 and 97% that's for sure. 

Watched the ABC Family's new show "The Fosters" and liked what I saw as did the rest of the family.

It will be interesting to see how the rest of the country reacts to not only a gay couple fostering kids but an interracial one as well. 

This is especially true considering what's been up on CNN lately about the backlash against Cheerios for their interracial couple and child. 

I was really surprised they'd put a gay couple in that role as foster parents but it was a pleasant one to say the least. I'm certainly glad they did. I also noticed that they introduced the new character Jude as possibly something, either gay or transsexual I believe the word is if its even the right one at all. Anyway that he was caught wearing a dress and I got the impression he'd done it other times without getting caught but that may just be me. 

Add to that he looks prepubescent or maybe on the edge. Definitely he doesn't look over eleven if that. 

Anyway I was quite pleasantly surprised how straight forward and natural they made it all and hit the elephant in the room within the first 10 minutes or less which basically got it out of the way to move on with the story. 

I hope to see continue.

And that's about it I guess, nothing much in the news really so not much to talk about.

Good night all.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Reply to Iter Veritas 2

I apologize for that. When I set up this thing I thought I had it set to wide open with no restrictions but it looks like I'll have to go see if I can fix it.

I know I'm going to get spanked for this since I have nothing concrete to back what I'm saying up but the SoCal stuff was stuff I lived through back in the 80s. The school incident was one of several in the SW over the last couple of years. (Maybe three based on memory  which isn't too good)

As to global warming and I can, I'm sure find you several links if needed, showing even the "Father of Global Warming" has recanted and said it does not exist and has not existed yet. He goes on to say he fervently believes it will exist in the future but it doesn't now. He also said the other global warming pioneers (alarmists) alongside him were way overly alarmist about the whole thing. This is the guy who began the whole mess not some fringe whacko somewhere. It has also been shown there has been no GW over at least the last sixteen years. Back in the 70s it was global cooling and how if we didn't make drastic changes we were going to undergo another ice age. Guess where that "Theory" is today?

So basically yes I do think its more than reasonable to present it openly and honestly if it needs to be presented. But for me it also calls for the whole truth that not everyone believes in it. Instead it gets force fed to children as an established fact and that's it. When you have the "Father" of it admitting he was wrong I'd say there is more than reasonable doubt and more than reasonable cause to present the issue to children in a way that acknowledges differences in opinion on the issue. I'm trying to be reasonable here as in my opinion it shouldn't be taught at all. But I also realize that it is a scientific theory which has and is having serious effects on this country and the world by the believers of it with the laws they pass etc. So it should be taught but its patently wrong to present it as the liberals do as uncontested absolute truth and fact. 

Because it gets so much liberal support it has consequences for us the public in laws which get passed that do more harm than good. 

Now I believe this one was on Bush's watch but look at lightbulbs. Frankly I don't need to pay twenty or twenty five dollars for four bloody lightbulbs which don't work as well and bother my eyes when I can buy the regular ones at four for a dollar and work much better. Some of these new lightbulbs exceed $50.00 for crying out loud. 

That's what I meant by government intrusion into our lives. I neither want and definitely do not need someone from the government telling me what I can eat, drink, smoke, use for appliances, what kind of lightbulbs I can use and a whole plethora of the same crap all in the name of environmentalism which also gets taught or as I put it force fed to our children in the schools under this liberal agenda. 

Another example was around 2008 give or take the liberals pushed another one of the feel good, sound good, look good disasters upon us in the name once again of environmentalism. 

They decided to target big trucks with forcing them to use a new type of extra low sulfer diesel fuel. They touted it as cutting down all that horrible black smoke coming from trucks and cutting pollution and of course GW was brought out too. 

The problem is this. The feel good, look policy was as usual a disaster. The fuel ate the engines up which meant having to replace engines at a much higher frequency than before. The policy dropped MPG dramatically and the policy made the trucks not perform as well as prior to its implementation. 

Anyway your next part was about the "Liberal Agenda" in our schools. 

I can tell you what I personally experienced, what I actually researched and what I was being taught in college when I originally thought to become a teacher. I can't tell you what everyone else may be referring to although back when I originally had this discussion it was pretty much the same as I am going to tell you, but that's been more than a few years ago now. 

In my case when I first experienced it, it was back in the early to mid 70s and they called it "Values Clarification" Over fifty plus years they have changed the name multiple, multiple times. 

What I and the other kids were subjected to was a basic attack aimed at negating and undermining the underlying morals and values which with we had been raised with. It was a concerted effort to turn black and white issues into grey ones when they weren't. The teachers would yell at, belittle, demean and basically treat like $hit any student who tried to stand up for what he'd been raised on. 

They were subtle to start with but would increasingly make the situations more and more dire until student after student would finally cave in and say yes they'd commit a crime then. (Stealing)

Anybody who fought them got as I described above. It was downright nasty and something I've never forgot to this day. I was one of two students in the class who after being told we must not love our family or want them to die who after they came up with another dire scenario finally admitted we'd steal but it still wouldn't be right. That was not the answer they wanted and they tried to make us feel lower than worms. I got in constant fights with the teachers of this curriculum and they didn't like me but what they wanted in the end was for students to say that in some situations it was perfectly alright to steal from others. 

There were other lessons but that is the one I remember and has stuck with me because of how hateful and nasty they were to any student who didn't bow down to their desired outcome. 

In addition there was a concerted effort to make things that had long been unacceptable and non-desirous to be okay. 

That included divorce, teenage pregnancy, single parents, shacking up vs getting married, making things into grey areas vs absolutes such as this is wrong period to well maybe it isn't. And the list goes on. Everything that used to be bad or wrong they've made into being acceptable and okay. 

That was my first exposure. My second to this attitude and mentality was when I was in college and planned upon becoming a teacher. The instructors made it a point, and I'm going to condense this, of saying it would be our duty and responsibility to bring these children out of the thoughts and beliefs with which they had been inculcated with since birth and show them a different world with different values than what they'd been brought up with. 

That's the summation, overall they told us over and over that it was our job once we got into the classroom to undermine what the parents with their little narrow viewpoints had basically contaminated the children with and expand their worldview to take in other ideas and concepts of good and bad, right and wrong etc. 

I'm sure you get the idea. 

Later I lived in a state which had a program called something like "21st Century Schools" and I ordered the actual law from the state and was appalled at what I read. Multiculturalism was just one of the things being forced upon our children along with an entire new way of teaching which basically left out or very much minimized the basics in favor of what I call social bull$hit.  

The parents across the state were up in arms especially after it had gone into effect and the state employees were extremely condescending and downright nasty to the complaining parents. 

There were comments made like the "Parents just don't get it" as if they were too stupid to see their kids were being taught BS instead of the three R's. The state reps even admitted that it was specifically designed get away from teaching the basics and instead teach a bunch of crap. They said fifty to seventy five percent of the time would be on crap and twenty-five to fifty percent would actually be academic instruction.

I remember one in particular that caused outrage amongst parents. 

The kids went to school for weeks and were never taught academics at all. They were instead indoctrinated with this multicultural BS for all that time and their final goal was to build a tee-pee. In the end weeks as in longer than a month were spent on crap and not even five minutes were spent on academics during this whole time. 

Can't forget mixed classes too which included grading everyone based on an average of the scores in the class. So if your student got an A and the other students got Fs or Ds in that group then guess where your student would be. Again it was to teach them about "Equality" and everyone being the same, nobody better than another. As I said more BS.

The parents were totally outraged and up in arms and all they got was talked down to and in an openly nasty way. They claimed, well the kids were reading in order to learn about the Indians, writing to do their reports and counting to build their teepee. The only problem was they might have been doing that but they sure as hell weren't been taught those subjects. They were being taught multicultural bull. 

There was something in that which said it was in line with something called Al Gore's "Goals 2000" educational plan. 

Now about this time someone who I had been debating told me I need to source what I'm saying from as unbiased a source as I can find. He taught me a lot about online debating but this was back when there was this thing called Compuserv. 

Anyway after having been called on stuff I'd been repeating which I'd "Heard" somewhere I actually ordered the Goals 2000 document from the federal government through a Senator from Texas. 

Once I got it I sat down over several days with a hi-liter and went through it.

What I found was appalling and everything and more that the conservatives had been saying. Only I had the document and the words themselves to put up. 
A couple of things under the program were to place a police officer, social worker and something else which I believe was a shrink into each and every school in America. (Could be wrong on the shrink part, its been a long time)

Another thing had to do with ensuring every child was in an acceptable environment from birth onwards that's conducive in the governments' eyes to being ready to learn. Of course this meant government intrustion into the home starting before the mother left the hospital and onward to five years old. Not only that but it meant maintaining that involvement throughout the child's life. 

So from hospital to getting out of high school the children and their homes would be inspected to make sure it met certain criteria to make sure the child was always ready and able to learn. This of course included taking children away from their parents should they be deemed not to be providing this so called ready to learn environment. 

It eventually filtered down to several states via federal dollars to the states to implement the program. One of the most egregious cases I can remember was in the state of Mississippi where they put their ready to learn program into effect. 

A social worker or an aide to one would be notified of any birth taking place at which time they would wayleigh the parents in the hospital explaining the program and that they would be inspected at any time and followed throughout the child's life including before being school age to make sure the child was in an environment which was conducive to learning in their opinion. 

They would follow up at the home, often the aides not the social workers themselves and simple things like if the person inspecting the home didn't think there were enough toys or toys of the right kind would result in the removal of the child/children. 

They would inspect school age childrens' homes to make sure they were living in a conducive environment to learn and their criteria was such as having an adequate space of their determination where they could have quiet to do their homework. Things like whether the parents were helping the child or not and other crap like that or the kid would be taken away. 

Plus you had the social workers, shrinks and police at the schools to back up the inspections. In addition of course they without permission would interview and assess the child while the child was in school and if they determined anything was amiss there went the children out of the home and this included if the child said anything about not being able to lets say concentrate on her homework at home because of whatever reason.

This was also about the time if memory serves me of the "It takes a villiage...." crap Hilary put out. 

Lets see here....ah there was another document which liberals love and keep trying to get pushed even today and that is HRC.

Got that one too and read through it which is a real pain in the a$$ going through page after page ad nausem. The things all the RR and conservatives were saying didn't even begin to cover it.

It is something that not only breaches our sovereignity but also directly interferes with basic parental rights over their children all on a number of fronts. 

In the end my liberal friend who I had been debating with was left stunned about all of them and all he could say was "They'd never actually do that" but my response was always "Then why is it in there if they're never going to do it?" To which he had no answer mainly because there wasn't one. 

Then came my oldest who started getting taken out of class regularly by a shrink and was interviewed without permission and as she would say at the time "They keep asking about how I feel about you and mom" or "They keep asking if I like you and mom" 
Plus a lot of instrusive questions. I finally went into the school to her teacher and told her under no circumstances was my daughter ever to be removed from class by this other woman and she was never to be subject to any type of psychiatric or psycological treatment. 

The next week it happened twice again only this time I went back and told the teacher that she is responsible for my daughter when she is here and she is never to allow my daughter out of the classroom with that woman or I'd be filing criminal charges as well as a civil suit if it should happen again. 

That finally stopped it. But they were getting a group of children together and holding group therapy sessions with them. Going on fishing expeditions by constantly asking about her and the others home life and parents or guardians. They also did drawing therapy or whatever they call it in an attempt to find out God knows what. Not to mention that they kept saying my wife gave permission over and over again. Of course there was nothing in writing and I brought her along and she stood up and told the techer to her face that she had never given any kind of permission for that and it was an outright lie that she had. 

Anyway, getting back to indoctination my oldest before she started kindergarten had learned her ABCs, numbers, small words like dog, cat, could write legibly her name etc. and had an absolute love of learning. We had bought her computer programs which she could play on our computer and she loved them and not only was very bright but was ahead of a lot of children by the time kindergarten came along. I need to mention that one of the biggest assets that helped her learn was a phonics program. 

So anyway the time to enter school came and the end of my child's love of learning began. 

By the time I pulled her out of that school system in second grade she couldn't even do the stuff she had learned before starting school. 

What she could do was lecture me on enviromentalism, recycling, smoking, living green and a host of other bull$hit but she could not spell, read, write much or legibly and hated school. The worst though was she thought she was stupid because the teacher had told her she was and she believed it because she couldn't learn to read or spell etc.

You want to know why? Because while I kept on teaching her phonics to supplement what she was getting at school I soon found out that the school district and this school didn't use phonics to teach reading or anything else. I had the teacher telling my five, six and seven year old daughter nasty messages to tell to me when she got home one overiding one being I was screwing up her education by teaching that crap to her. The other was I needed to stay out of my daughter's education because I didn't know what I was doing and was screwing her up. 

Fortunately my wife talked my daughter out of going back to the teacher with my replies to her nasty and completely out of place messages. Hell even the fact she delivering messages in that fashion rather than in written form addressed to me was highly unprofessional and out of line to use my daughter like that. 

Finally I'd had enough and went down for a little talk. Needless to say it didn't go very well and we detested one another for the remainder of the time my daughter was at that school.

In response to questions like why my daughter was learning all this BS and not the three R's I got told it was much more important that she learn the crap which also included multiculturalism than it was for her to learn the old fashioned methodology of teaching the three R's. 

On the issue of her absolute detestation of phonics she explained that it didn't work for all students so teaching it made it discriminatory. What they taught which was Sight reading did teach that group who did not benefit from phonics and it was taught district wide. When I told her my daughter had learned on phonics and was doing great with it and that it was a long, long time proven method of teaching and that my daughter wasn't getting this sight reading crap I was told I'd screwed her all up by teaching her phonics in the first place. 

So basically it went on like that. Let's just say that wasn't the end of problems I had with that teacher or her boss. 

I went home and did some research about sight reading and found out with one exception that it was a completely discredited methodology of teaching and children learning reading, spelling etc. 

The one exception was black children who for some reason did fairly well on Sight reading but poorly on Phonics. So in the end all the kids were screwed to be PC about black ones. 

Of course when I went back to the teacher and said much the same including why my child's education along with all the others here had to be F***ed up to pacify the blacks that didn't go over very well at all. 

As I said by the time I could get her out of there her love of learning had long gone and she was primarily incapable of doing things she'd been doing at four years old. She absolutely hated spelling and reading with writing not being far behind.

The worst thing though was the teacher had told her and made her constantly feel stupid and dumb. By the time she'd left there she had very low self-esteem. That changed with the new school district we moved into. 

When we got to a new district which had much higher standards and expectations than the Chicago school system she was so far behind where a second grader should be she failed the class and had to take second grade over again. Oh the new district taught phonics which part of why they were such a success. 

So yeah its been an agenda in the schools since the 60s and I don't doubt it continues today even though both my kids are in college now. I should point out my oldest did eventually regain her love of reading but still hates writing and especially spelling. 

As to taxes maybe I wasn't specific enough but from government sources as of last year 49% pay no taxes. I'm not talking about sales taxes and such but when you go and file your returns for each April 15th forty-nine percent are paying nothing. Out of that 49% a fair number get money back, usually off that child tax credit thing. I believe its called the EIC but may be wrong. Its been a few years since I could claim it but then again I was definitely in the 51% paying taxes. 

And that means basically half of the country isn't paying taxes while the other half is which IMO is a big problem.

On the military issue I saw another example last week on CNN for a couple of days or so. With cutting the military as has been done we can't even keep a kitchen open for our combat troops to feed them in theatre. Look at how bad our vets get treated especially wounded ones because the money isn't there. I believe in a strong military but that also includes taking care of our troops as well as the ones who come home, especially the wounded ones. 

I agree with you about a total overhaul and I think a lot of those parts of government which have all the red tape need to either go bye-bye or get the first part of the overhaul. 

I can tell you I have a SS office out where I'm at. The hours used to be until 3:30 each day and that was bad enough. Now they've dropped it down to 3pm closing and one day a week at noon. In the process they never answer you or return phone calls. You actually have to go down there and then its a fight to get someone at all to see you which sometimes they even won't, just tell you to make an appointment which of course requires someone to answer the friggin phone which they mostly don't do or return msgs which again they don't do very often. 

I've dealt with other government agencies which don't even know what the hell their own agency does or does not do much less who to speak with etc. 

Why they even exist is beyond me with some of what I've had to deal with. They sure as hell don't know or do their jobs worth $hit.

I agree with you on being able to speak and discuss points without going nuts. Its sadly lacking anywhere anymore. The libs and conservatives have gone off the deep end on a lot of issues. 

Neither side will listen to the other. Some of the issues are things that someone needs to stand up and take a stand on, others are just BS posturing and beings asses. 

The Constitution I believe has something in it which says something like 'Powers not granted explicitly to the feds are thereby reserved to the states' but over the years the feds have grabbed more and more power which they are not entitled to until we have this bloated overbearing mess we have today that has its nose stuck in everybodys' lives. 

Right now the left has taken such leftist positions on things that the right is the only thing there is standing against them. Unfortunately it has devolved into if the left says it we're gonna fight it no matter what it is. And it goes the other way too. 

I can't do what I did twenty years ago with more than basic research. It has taken me since about 3pm today with some interuptions to get this written. The days of old of poring over documents to quote things are no more for me I'm afraid. I try though to keep to CNN and Druge for my news and while libs criticize him for I'm not sure what all he does is put news articles up on his site, he doesn't usually write any that I've seen.

I honestly don't know where this country is heading. I'm afraid if the left keeps going in the direction they are going that it might actually end up in a bad way. People are getting more and more fed up with stuff and its becoming more and more strident out there. I think they will find that there is a limit to how much they can push onto people before people finally stand up and say enough is enough and I fear it will be through violence rather than words. 

The left seems to completely discount the overwhelming red on the map vs their small areas of blue in urban settings. Those small areas give themselves a lot of votes to the the Dems but all that red is what is festering and even with DHS and their two billion bullets and APCs I think there will be either trouble coming or a complete surrender of the red areas but unless things drastically change I don't see nothing happening and I don't see such change coming either. 

The vitriol I got on that one web site over an article on sex education was astonishing as are the things on CNN which you pointed out. What amazes me though is the fact that someone speaking reasonably gets moderated and their posts not put up while people doing things that would have got them banned when I was a global mod are tolerated with impunity. 

Kind of hard to have an effect when your posts can't be seen. 

Anyway its past 3am out here and my thoughts are starting to ramble so I'm going to call it quits for tonight.

Once again I very much enjoy speaking to you and like you its easier here than on the forums. 


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Reply to Iter Veritas

Now I've been on CNN debating and talking with some over the Tea Party. One of the individuals I was speaking to wrote a reply to me and yet again CNN moderated my post and refused to allow it to go up. 

This is really starting to piss me off big time I can tell you that. But since they won't allow it up I am going to post it here so hopefully Iter can see it. I take it back, now the "Check my blog" posts are back up. Still didn't allow my reply below though.
Here's the text of the reply deemed unacceptable by CNN.

Okay I'll try to get through all these starting with the race issue. For the legal vs illegal one I have problems with 11-13 million illegals being in this country. I have problems with the legal ones who will not assimilate into this country as previous immigrants have done. A good example of this is last year in California where an American flag was not allowed to be displayed in the halls but a full size Mexican one was. A Mexican flag was also flown with the US and Calif. flags outside. But if that wasn't enough they cornered American students who wore flags on their shirts and threatened them with suspension if they didn't remove or turn them inside out. They also refused the white students the right to put up a full size American flag across the halls as the Mexicans did.

The reason, it was feared that the American flag would offend the Mexican students and lead to fights between Americans and Mexicans. (Mexicans would attack the whites)

It was one of those "EXCUSE ME!" things. There is something seriously wrong with that picture. And that is but one example.

The legal ones often write relatives telling them to come on up. Heck the US even has brochures in Mexico telling people all about welfare and food stamps if they can only get up here to get them.

I was around when the first supermarkets in California went completely bilingual. I believe it was Vons if memory serves me.

I was also around when they told teachers in Orange county to either learn Spanish or you're fired. A couple of distant relatives had taught forever in the schools there and since they were past 65 they told them to stick it and quit.

I was also around when San Diego school district got rid of teaching English in K-3rd grades for every child. 4th and 5th grade would be the first time any child was instructed on a bilingual basis in English and Spanish.

It wasn't until the 6th grade the children would actually be taught solely in English for the first time.

These are things that indicate the issues I have with legal and illegals in this country and its only a few small examples.

The racist label is one of the first cards played by libs over just about anything that involves race. The appellation goes flying if you say one word contrary to the liberal doctrine. It's just part of the course of being on a message board frankly. I've been dealing with it so long it's just one of those things that is a game I don't even play anymore.

As to being racist, I am and I've admitted that before but at least I try and fight that racism within myself. Its hard though when you've lived and seen so much that you have become cynical about certain groups. I don't always win that fight but I also don't get on message boards calling them apes either.

That's also why the "Frank and open discussion about race and race relations in this country" the libs go on about will never take place because anytime someone says anything contrary to the liberal mind set they get branded racist. Most politicians are so afraid of that label they won't say a thing.

The thing is that kind of conversation needs to go on in order to understand why the racism exists and hopefully do something about it.

Case in point, the other day there was a one sentence summation that said something like "Fight breaks out at kindergarten graduation." Well I said to someone here before I even clicked on the article that I bet I can tell you who was involved. I clicked on it and guess what pictures were shown and guess who was involved. Over and over and over again you see this and yeah it adds up over the years.

Like I said I try and fight it, sometimes more successfully than others but at least I can admit it but I'm not saying I'm proud of it.

As to issues it frankly can be anything that involves a non-white when speaking about it. Literally anything no matter how right it is you'll get labeled.

It goes the same way with the conservative RR crowd as well. I just wrote a post about something and so far I've been called a liberal, told the education of children is none of my business and almost outright called a pedophile or someone supporting them and accused of inviting children into my home to discuss sex with them and leaving open the suggestion of maybe something more. BTW after I wrote this someone did call me a "Perv" to add on to it.

Both sides will jump you just as fast but since I usually post conservative positions I get to deal with the liberals the most.

The science thing to me is simple as is the religious thing. I don't have a problem celebrating Christmas and Easter etc. at schools but as to teaching creationism, that I feel is something that should remain for home and Sunday school. When teaching science you teach science. I don't know how they do it today but they would say if something was a theory or not when I was a kid. That is what makes up a great deal of the sciences.

Now some sciences which are very much in debate should be presented honestly and accurately instead of indoctrinating children to the liberal beliefs about it.

Specifically speaking of global warming. Personally I don't think it should be taught at all since its been so discredited but to be fair if it is to be presented then present it as a theory which is controversial and has divided the scientific community with some supporting the theory and others not. That makes it a fair and balanced teaching of the subject to the children.

As to the public education system, I have a huge amount of problems with them and have had for many, many years. It is long long discussion by itself. But to sum it up I know that there has been a liberal agenda to indoctrinate children in the public school system dating back to the 60s. I've been a victim of it as have my children. Call it secular humanism or whatever you like but it is and has been there for a very long time now.

Teachers are even taught to undermine anything the parents might be teaching them at home amongst other things. They're taught to use code words to describe what they're doing but make no mistake they are doing it and have been for a very long time.

As to economic issues first of all the tax cut stuff has gotten ridiculous on the Republican's part. I mean lets face it they look like complete idiots cutting taxes to such an extent and insisting on more. Although since Obama raised them up again they do need to come back down to the levels which spurred such great economic growth.

The main problem I see is that half of this country pays nothing and often gets a lot back at tax time. This is simply not sustainable. It also won't make either party happy but more people need to be paying taxes.

I think the spending needs to be reigned in especially with the huge deficit we have. I can remember when the liberals trashed President Reagan for I believe it was called "Deficit Spending." well this situation is definitely way way past what he was doing. Something must be done get it down and get it down in a major way.

The libs come up with a lot of feel good, sound good, look good ideas that turn out to be total disasters and I usually have a problem with them.

I also well understand the right side and pork as well as the left.

Money for our military should be a priority and its not anymore. Then again look at what was disclosed this last week about China hacking into and getting all of our top secret advance weapons systems, planes and other stuff. You have to wonder if the cuts have anything to do with that.

I think a lot of the spending that goes on needs to be cut and that is especially true of those agencies with the twenty thousand dollar toilets and other complete crap like that. It means reforming the contract awarding process and how the government does business in its entirety.

I mean how do you spend something like 20 grand a week on volunteers giving White House Tours? There should be virtually no cost to this.

A lot of red tape needs to go which means instead of the Obama and libs policy of increasing red tape it needs to go in the opposite direction.

Did you read about the ambulance in DC that shut down to do some liberal EPA crap about environmentalism being forced on fire engines and rescue squads? They did finally after a million complaints issue a waiver for emergency services but DC didn't even know that it existed. A man in traumatic full arrest lost any chance of survival because of the breakdown.

I think all the social spending needs to be completely overhauled and frankly in a way that will pi$$ off both parties but it needs to do what its designed to do and then end. But it doesn't work because they don't provide enough for anyone to actually succeed and escape from that poverty.

But also there has to be an end firmly established. My beliefs are another story in itself on this subject. There are a lot of ideas I believe in that I think would do the country a great good and also in the long run knock down the spending levels.

Taxing everyone up the wazoo that actually makes it is not the way to go either.

Bottom line is neither party would probably like what I have to say on things.

My problem isn't the insurance but the doctor's refusal to take it.

As to a candidate, nothing and nobody have really impressed me much at all. I voted for Newt in the Presidential elections and detested Romney. He wasn't a true conservative and that smile I often wondered whether it was held in place by clear tape or something it was so fake. Santorum was way to the right but I suppose I could support him knowing the courts would reign in any of the bedroom stuff the RR likes to get into. Paul had a lot of going for him but his views on the military turned me completely off. Cain, I liked a lot as to his personality  but had a lot of questions on his policies.

No I guess I'd say the true conservative ideals of old as I learned them are what I'd harken back to if I could. That's basically government doesn't have a place running your life and it needs to get out. State's rights, our Constitutional rights and not having a government attempting to take them away or infringe upon them.

More in that vein I guess.

To tell you the truth I haven't been impressed by anyone really since Reagan although a few have come close.

And no I didn't care for Bush much at all. He was way beyond a liberal in many ways.

One other thing is in this format I can expand on certain things I've talked about here if you want any further on them.

What's up today, not much.

Another fine day (Sarcasm here folks) Hotter than you know where and even more humidity which makes it quite nasty to put it mildly. 

If you're not familiar with these type of climates lets just say a shower or three doesn't help at all except while you're in there. 

Sad to hear we lost Jean Stapleton, I remember he from All In The Family oh so many years ago. Of course Archie died in 2001 but its still sad to hear of her passing. What a great actress she was. 

Anyway another shower later and I'm feeling lots better for the moment.

Plus its cooling off a bit finally.